Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Works For Me

Everyone has their go to daily/weekly workout routine that makes them feel their best and achieve desired results. I get really bad ADD in the gym (especially when the workday ends and it comes time to decide on my means of breaking a good sweat) and always need a plan to get an effective workout in. Leading up to training for races I like to create a solid fitness base... something that will ease me into a rigorous 4 month training plan and remain injury free **fingers crossed**!!

My weekly training base incorporates not only running but plenty of cross training in the form of lifting, swimming, and biking. The week of workouts I have planned the next two months to achieve my Boston Marathon base looks a little something like this:

Monday - Lift arms

Tuesday - Run 3-4 miles at race pace

Wednesday - Lift legs or HIIT (Hight Intensity Interval Training)

Thursday - Run 4 miles (hills or speed/track workout)

Friday - swim 1,600m or 1 mile

Saturday - Run 6 miles (turn into tempo runs as training approaches)

Sunday - REST!!

I have found that obtaining a solid base for my overall fitness has contributed greatly to both my motivation to train for an event and the way my body feels post workout.

After strenuous workouts (especially lifting) I like to treat my body to a delicious protein shake. If you hate the taste of protein like me try this recipe:

1 banana
8 oz milk
1 tablespoon peanut or almond butter
1 scoop protein of choice (chocolate is yummiest)

Cheers to a healthy running base!! What works for you?

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