Monday, October 7, 2013

Eugene: The Beginning

In December of 2012, one of my best friends and I decided to run our first Marathon and share the experiences of training and finishing together. We decided on Eugene, Oregon due to its beauty, cool climate, and extremely flat course! After months of long Saturday runs full of unforgettable conversation and memories we travelled 8 hours (by car) up North to Eugene. All along it had been my goal to qualify for Boston and just a week after the Boston bombings I wanted nothing else than to run the race the following Spring.

Hutch and I the day before the marathon at the race expo. Track Town USA!! Dreaming of that moment so soon when we would cross the finish line on Hayward Field following the footsteps of many Olympians and running legends.

After a pre-race picture (all smiles but man were we nervous) we were off!

My amazing husband, Wes, met me several times along the race course to cheer, take pictures, and restock me with the essentials: muffins, energy chews, and nuun sports drink.

Hutch and I with our race medals at the finish line! Our amazing friends Jeannie and Brian drove all the way from San Francisco to cheer us on and made this hilarious sign which apparently made a few runners angry ;)

Hutch smashed all her goals and finished the race in under 4 hours! I, still shocked till this day, qualified for Boston at my first marathon with a 3:31:01... what an emotional finish line crossing it was... both legs cramped with 400m to go and I was so delirious that Wes found me 30 min later wandering with my arms stuffed with free food including a plate of delicious pancakes.

Nothing better than a post race celebration at Ninkasi brewery. We just had to flaunt our race shirts and medals :)

It was a long 5 month wait... In September I applied for a spot in the 2014 Boston Marathon and 2 weeks later the above email hit my inbox stating I had been accepted!! It was the most instantaneous runner's high ever!

I am so excited to begin training for another marathon. Here is to blister free feet, delicious carbs, and an injury free training regime. "Boston" will be running Boston April 21st!

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