Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week 3... Check!

Today's run rounded off week 3 of Boston Marathon training! Week 1 went very well and I stuck straight to my training plan. Week 2... not so much. Combined with Christmas holiday temptations and being home in Oceanside where surfing usually constitutes my daily workout and burritos replace my daily smoothies, I was still able to get in a solid lifting workout and a total of 14 miles over 2 runs in. It was back to the grind with the start of week 3 and I hit it hard! Sometimes we need a little break even after just 2 weeks of training :)

Oceanside South Jetty... how can I resist?

Today I woke up excited to give the last day of week 3 all that I had. Waking up to an email from the owner of the rental condo in Boston we have been hoping for made me that much more pumped to go for a run. I booked the condo, called my parents in excitement and headed out for a chilly 10 mile run. I am pretty sure I smiled the entire time. Thoughts of traveling to Boston, visions of crossing the finish line on Boylston Street, and friendly greetings from runners passing by fueled me to keep going at a pace much quicker than planned. 

I love my Nike+ TomTom GPS watch!

Welcome back to my Saturday morning long runs. I am happiest when training for a race :)